We welcome our clients to be fully present during treatment to allow for the effects to be received and integrated optimally. What is moving through our minds during our wellness visits and on a daily basis impacts our perception and experience.
If we are constantly focusing on our pain and symptoms, how frustrated we may feel or our doubts, this will cause resistance for the mind, body, and spirit, to let go and welcome in healing. During treatment and throughout our day, we can tune in to our optimism and hope. This can be done by saying to ourselves words of affirmation that support what we want. For example, "I feel good in my body. I am healing and releasing any tension and dysfunction. I am love and am proud of myself." These simple thoughts and sentiments will signal to our cells what the mission and vibration is.
As Jane is treating you and targeting areas of concern that need extra love and attention, you can assist this by really tuning into those places. Perhaps you say to yourself, "Thank you to my body for supporting me and alerting me with sensation. I actively release pain and tension; it is no longer needed. I let go and surrender." By giving ourselves permission to release, we are tapping into our emotional body which keeps score of unresolved traumas. By inviting in these emotional and spiritual aspects of our being, we are approaching our wellness holistically and acknowledging how these unseen parts of ourselves are deserving of love.