Myofascial Release Therapy (MFR) is a wonderful, holistic, affective approach to healing pain and dysfunction in the body. We see patients of all kinds with varying degrees of discomfort come for treatment.
Perhaps they have tried traditional clinical therapies without success or simply were interested in trying MFR. Either way, we see great results in getting to the root of what is causing tension in the body and creating a path to healing.
Similar to committed athletes determined to reach a fitness goal or preparing for a big competition, patients that desire affective, long-lasting results must commit themselves to the program. The key is consistency. We see that those that are able to dedicate to a consistent frequency and plan, are able to obtain the results they seek over those coming every once in a while.
We have the tools, we know what works, all we need is your trust and for you to come in for treatment. Being out-of-network, we understand that the costs for treatment are considered. However, we view this as an investment in yourself. Your health is important. Living pain free is important. Being able to feel good and enjoy life is important. Holding your wellness in high regard is not selfish, it allows you to show-up for those you love!